Friday, January 14, 2011

In the Name of all that's HOLY, part 2

Last time, on Holy Mother of Twilight Fail, we showed this picture of a egg-donor mom and her faux-tramp enstamped infant. Yes, it was the very definition of "Made of Fail."

Until now.

Oh, that's right. We've found an even greater "What the F@#K!" picture, where the tattoo is actually real.


There are so many issues of WRONG here that I can't begin to tackle them. I just...words are failing me.



SunTiger said...

Gotta admit that's beautiful artwork. I don't want anyone riding my back though. Look how she has Edward on there three times. Wow.

Gretchen Stull said...

Oh I agree, beautiful work. The tattooist knew what he/she was doing. And this HAD to take multiple sittings, just too much detail for one. So I guess that's one good thing, at least the work itself is higher quality. I'm just astounded by the train of thought that leads into a decision like this. At least from the reflection in the mirror this isn't an obsessed 18 year old who's going to move on to other fads and regret this for the rest of her life. This lady is old enough to know what she's getting herself into.

Helena Sparrow said...

There are no words...

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