Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Book By Its Cover - Black Dust Mambo

Black Dust Mambo by Adrian Phoenix is a paranormal romance slated for release later this month. Its also today's book by its cover review.


Kallie Rivière, a fiery Cajun hoodoo apprentice with a talent for trouble, finds herself smack-dab in the middle of one of those times her mentor warned her about when she visits New Orleans to attend the Hecatean Alliance’s annual carnival: her hard-bodied conjurer hookup ends up dead in her blood-drenched bed. And he was killed by something that Kallie would never dream of touching—the darkest of dark juju, soul-eating juju—a black dust hex that may have been meant to kill her.

Now Kallie has to use every bit of hoodoo knowledge and bayou-bred mojo she possesses to clear her own name and find the killer—even as that dark sorcerer hunts Kallie and her friends. But Kallie’s search for the truth soon leads her in a direction she never anticipated—back home to Bayou Cyprés Noir, and to Gabrielle LaRue, Kallie’s aunt, protector, and hoodoo mentor . . . who is looking more and more like she just might be the one who wants Kallie dead.

Lily's Thoughts:

I love the bayou, I love New Orleans, I love everything Cajun and creole. The cover conveys all those elements and perfectly illustrates the gritty feel of the book. Is it just me, or does the cover model resemble Maryann from the second season of True Blood. Couldn't be more perfect. I just love it.

Helena's Thoughts:

Louisiana bayou and voodoo doctors immediately popped into my head even before glancing at the title/summary. This cover accurately depicts every anticipation I would have for this novel. Dark, sinister, and mystical, definitely intriguing...oh and her pen name (I am assuming) is awesome. This also reminds me of the set for True Blood (just finished rewatching season 2 in two days...I am on swamp moss overload). Beautiful rendition! :)


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